… that people are really asking “How did you wake up?” (¿Cómo
amaneció?) and not “How was your birth?”(¿Cómo se nació?), like I went around
saying for a while.
… that I can sleep anywhere.
… the difference between the two seemingly identical plants
of escoba (used to make brooms) and bellota (used to make sombreros).
… that it’s ok to hike out laundry and go to the
Laundromat. In fact, it’s favorable
because my hand washing skills are subpar and I’d rather not be the smelly kid.
... how not to compost poop, but rather how to start a large, organized colony of maggots in a bucket.
... the time to molding for many un-refrigerated items including, but not limited to, butter, salsa, jam, cheese, and bread.
… that pouring urine on the ant hill on my front porch does
indeed make the ants leave as promised, but also makes my front porch smell
like urine. It’s a pot of boiling water
for you next time, ants.
Coming Soon: This I Have Accepted...