Sunday, August 4, 2013

Phase 1: Pump Installation

As most projects go in this country, we rolled out of Penonome nearly 24 hours after scheduled to head out to Guayabo to install the solar panels and pump in Sergio's community.  We barely got past the end of the nice dirt road before we came upon a truck stuck in a mud pit.  Maybe we wouldn't be driving all the way in like I hoped.

I changed into my boots and headed off for town, about 45 minutes down the road, to grab more people to carry all of the equipment and tools.  Thankfully by the time we hiked back out to the truck, another larger truck had come along, helped the first truck out of the mud, and agreed to bring in our equipment.  Score!

We worked into the night on the first day and then got up early to start again the second day, finishing about noon.  I balanced my work load between helping dig the trench for the tube, learning about the pump, and making chocolate peanut butter cookies.  You know, for moral.

We'll be continuing the work after our close of service conference this week.  Here we go!

The view from the school of the church and Sergio's house.

Working hard or hardly working?!

There is not a tank yet, nor tubes to the houses, but everyone sure was excited to see water being pumped up to the school.  They're used to hearing talk of things that could make their lives easier, but I they were really excited to see this project coming to fruition.