Sunday, January 15, 2012


I received a text this week: "Spending so much time with (volunteers) reminds me how tough things are for all of you on a day to day basis."

What I do isn't hard. It's an adjustment and it definitely isn't always easy, but it's not hard. I have a community of Panamanians, of Peace Corps volunteers, and of friends and family supporting me. My attitude dictates how difficult or easy any given day will be. I'm in control and have the skills and resources to do my job.

This weekend was an exciting one and not just because I visited a city where there are things like electricity and ice cream! My good friend Nikki received exciting news on Friday that she had been approved for an multiple organ transplant she desperately needed. And THEN she found out, within 12 hours, there was a match! She had a successful surgery on Saturday and is recovering. Of course there's a long way to go, but it's a much better situation to be in! You can read an article here.

Myself, Nikki, and Marie last summer.

I have so much respect and admiration for Nikki. She's not only amazingly strong and brave, but has a great attitude about all of this. Somethings in life are hard, but I don't feel that what I am doing is hard. It's a beautiful, beautiful opportunity that I have. Perspective is a marvelous thing.

Shameless plug: Nikki is fundraising to cover the costs of medical expenses not covered by her insurance, such as her anti-rejection medications, so if your pockets are feeling full consider donating here. :) All extra thoughts and prayers are also being accepted and can be directed to the Indiana University's Transplant Center!

Life is good. :)

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