Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

For being an extremely religious country, Panama doesn't make a big deal about Easter like we do.  My first year here I tried to ask people what the translation of Easter is.  If you look it up it'll be pascua or passover, but people don't really use that here and instead, after some confused stares, refer to the day as the Resurrection.

It's weird to be talking to someone and thinking "You're a Catholic, I'm a Catholic and you don't even acknowledge our #2 blockbuster holiday as a thing."  Instead they celebrate the entire Holy Week with no real emphasis on Easter, more so on Good Friday.  And especially not the emphasis on bunnies and cute little chicks!

I talked to another volunteer this morning about how everyone is all "it's just another Sunday" and we're all thinking "BRUNCH!  Where's the egg bake?  Where's the ham?!"

Either way, I got two worm free mangoes from my normally wormy mango tree this morning!  The Easter Bunny made me pick them up out of the real grass instead of a bed of shredded plastic grass but they were a delicious additive to my breakfast either way.

Happy Easter everyone!

Last year's attempt to corrupt the youth of Panama  ;)

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