Saturday, May 5, 2012

Coming Soon to a Mailbox Near You!

Drawing is a favorite activity of kids when they visit my house; along with reading books, doing puzzles, playing cards, and thanks to B, playing with the singing cow…

For a while there were some stencil books that were a big hit – butterflies, flowers, and farm animals were among the choices.  After receiving numerous tracings of the same duck –horse-daffodil combo I decided to acknowledge really creative non-traced drawings by taping them on my wall. 

The desired effect was not achieved, so I made the books “disappear”. (I think I’m a great parent in the making!)  The quality of drawings improved dramatically and the requests to have their drawing taped on the wall increased exponentially.  So now my house looks like the daycare it feels like, but at least I’m never lonely!

Some may call it child labor, but I prefer to call it a “reallocation of resources.”  I’ve launched an original line of notecards, handmade by actual children in Panamá.  Most of them feature drawings of our town of Limón with the characteristic green zig-zag mountains at the top, a tree, a house or two, and recent ones will include a rain cloud as we shift back into the rainy season (yes, already).

Though a brave few do venture out – recently I got one with a bicycle AND a machine gun!

We aren’t doing bulk orders at this point, but if you want to receive a one-of-a-kind work of art, e-mail your address to yours truly and I’ll hook you up! 

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