Friday, April 5, 2013

Take that, Chicken!

I would like to dedicate this story to my friend Brian, a high school Physics teacher in Washington state.  He started using funny names (e.g. Wilma Butfit) in his story problems and I'm thinking he should start using real life examples for these problems.  The problem will go something like this, but with some added words: velocity, trajectory, speed, angle, blah…

I just have to say that is place (Panama/Peace Corps/whatever it is) changes you.  The dogs are always barking, the roosters are always crowing.  You either have to get used to the sounds or I think you turn into one of those people that goes home early.  There was a pesky rooster right outside my door the other day.  I shushed it away.  It came back.  I went to the door and swung my foot at it.  It came back.  I went to pick up the closest object on the ground and it started to run away.  I licked my finger and tested the wind (ok, not really), pulled back and threw the rock, leading the chicken.  The sucker ran right into it.  I hit it!  It ran off yelling.  I won!  I stared in amazement for a second, not really believing that that had just happened.  I put my arms up in a touchdown celebration and turned around to see if anyone was there to celebrate with me (hoping it wouldn't be the chicken’s owner), but no one was there.  Though that was ok because like the bat cave incident, I was proud enough of me for everyone!

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