Friday, December 14, 2012

Thanks Be

A very belated Happy Thanksgiving!  This year I headed up to Cerro Punta in the mountains of Chiriqui in western Panama to celebrate Thanksgiving with 150 of my closest volunteers.  The weather was perfect;  55 degrees and drizzling rain all day!  I wore the one long sleeved shirt and pair of jeans I own that are acceptable to bring out in public, meaning the mold isn't too noticeable yet.

I think Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of all holidays.  One because there were no bottle rockets shooting off around every corner and secondly because it's all about eating good food and being thankful. 

We had a rockstar team of volunteers cooking up the delicious food we enjoyed.  Real American Thanksgiving food!  My friend Erica said it well: This year, I'm still appreciative, but less in the wide eyed, shell shocked at civilization, give me as much food as you can sort of way, and more in the I totally appreciate my life, my friends, and what I've been given the opportunity to do sort of way.

It was awesome to be able to spend this holiday with so many dear friends that understand exactly why I feel so so thankful and blessed at this point in my life for friends, family, Panama, Peace Corps, life in general  and 55 degrees and drizzly.

Drea, Sonia, Erica, Beth, and I excited for dinner!

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