Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hello! My name is...

This is what I go by most.  I don't think I've been called Briana this much since probably elementary school.

To my Peace Corps Volunteer friends.  The guys at the post office get temporarily confused when mail comes addressed to Bri Drake as opposed to Briana.  :)

The name of the volunteer before me.  I respond to this equally well.

This is what my homegirl Laly calls me.  She's 2.

Like Bri-Annie.  There's one family in my community that calls me this.  I'm not sure if it's my own personal cutsie nickname or if they just never learned my name right.

Briana isn't a real popular name in Panama so often at restaurants I get people real excited that I share my name with a famous singer.  I also got this at the Pizza Hut in Hibbing, Minnesota - not just a Panama thing.

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